Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day I - Initial Outlook

It's fun to see both sides of a person - and how that special feeling we cherish at restaurants is actually a construction; a tactic to keep 'the business' running. Not to say that the business is bad - it is an organism, that is all. And, like all organisms, it needs to be fed, to make a name for itself, to work off each other.

Just like my parent's relationship -- each party fixes their eyes upon the others' actions and interprets them in a manner that allows the action to fit in the perfect scheme in their mind. No reality... only holographs; only bits of reality mirrored onto our vision field to satisfy our control-seeking psyche.

I cannot see anything that is not in me.

To be a hostess is not as painful as working in a calling center. It is, of course, a different kind of pain, but it is not the silent, lonely, forboading feeling of market research and slow sales... at least here, I am not glued to a screen nect to others who are equally glued to a screen that has become their ultimate reality. Here, I do not have free coffee - no Dino's dinner or Sip Café to escape to during breaks... There are no cute salesmen trying to teach you the trade... no prolonged bathroom breaks or pretending skype calls with friends were client calls... But there is still that sneakiness - even though here, it is not againstt the entire office, it is everyone conspiring against a single authority figure: the boss. Or at least, everyone guarding each others' backs from the boss.

I do not miss the silence - event though time passes just as slow without it...

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